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Spring start up and Evaluating the Design of Your Center Pivot Sprinkler Package

19 September 2017

Spring start up and Evaluating the Design of Your Center Pivot Sprinkler Package

As we look towards the start of our next irrigation season, now is the time to be considering one of the most over looked, but must important parts of your pivot irrigator, the sprinkler pack. 

WaterForce can support clients with sprinkler pack reviews and replacements, but there is also some basics that can be checked as part of your general irrigator checks.

Read the latest Valley irrigation blog here, as the USA comes to the end of their season, some good advice is outlined around reviewing your sprinkler pack. 

Other information to help you get started for the season can be found in our previous news articles.  Other great system start up information can be found on the Irrigation NZ website or, some of the other great Irrigation blogs listed below:

5 Recommendations For An Effective End-of-Season Sprinkler Inspection

10 Ways to Retrofit Your Pivot

5 Things Dealers Look at When Designing Your Sprinkler Package

Choose the Right Sprinkler for Your Center Pivot