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Fonterra Open Gates Day November 2018

13 December 2018

Fonterra Open Gates Day November 2018

On 11th November, a total of 16 Fonterra Farms opened their gates to the public for another ‘Fonterra Open gates Day”.  The strategy here is to allow the general public to experience what life and conditions are really like on the average Kiwi dairy farm, and helping address that ever-growing town/rural divide.

WaterForce were invited to attend the open gates day held at "CLAXBY FARM” on the outskirts of Rangiora, North Canterbury.  Kent Croote and Andrew Panasiuk flew the WaterForce flag on the day, doing their bit to educate the public on all matter’s irrigation.  This included demonstrating what a pivot endgun looks like, what a soil moisture probe is and how it works to improve management of our precious water resources.

The weather played a significant part in the success of the day, with a sell-out crowd of 1000+ attending.  Sam and Jo Spencer-Bower are 5th generation custodians of the family farm (spanning over 130 Years) and their 2 daughters, the 6th generation.  Fonterra really laid on a great event which was strongly family-focused.