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Valley Bender30 allows part circle pivot irrrigators to irrigate more

30 October 2010

The Valley Bender30 has the ability to bend any drive unit up to a 30-degree angle, a grower can easily avoid obstacles in the field, such as trees and fences, allowing for maximum irrigated hectares.

Because no structural changes to the machine are required, the Valley Bender30 will easily retrofit to existing centre pivots.  The Bender30 can even bend at multiple locations on one centre pivot.

Optional water shut-off valves will shut off the sprinklers on the stopped spans while the bent drive unit continues to irrigate.  Also with a continued focus on precision irrigation Valley offer the exclusive speed-up timer function on the Bender30.  This feature improves the centre pivot's water application while in the bent position.

For more information on the Valley Bender30 call your local WaterForce branch.